Find the right HR information and support
On this page we have gathered information on various matters related to staff/HR issues and HR systems at the university-wide level. There are links to the most frequently requested information on the Staff pages or the HR Pages for managers, leaders and HR officers.
Working hours
- Flexitime for technical and administrative staff | Staff Pages (
- Working hours for teaching staff | Staff Pages (
- Registration of fixed part-time working hours | Staff Pages (
Working at Lund University – working for a public authority
Reimbursement for health promotion, healthcare and medication costs
- Health promotion reimbursement | Staff Pages (
- Reimbursement for healthcare and medication costs | Staff Pages (
Ensure that your personal data is included in receipts to speed up the processing of cases. You will not receive confirmation that your application in Primula has been submitted. You will only receive a confirmation when your case has been processed.
Business travel
- Pensions | Staff Pages (
- For general information on pensions, contact the National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV) in the first instance.
Staff forms and templates
Travel expense reports
- Travel expense reports | Staff Pages (
- Reimbursement of travel expenses, subsistence allowance and meal deductions | Staff Pages (
Health and safety representatives, health and safety committees
Employee organisations
If you can´t find what you are looking for on the web pages
If you cannot find what you are looking for on Staff Pages or the HR Pages, you are welcome to contact the HR Division using the form at the top right-hand corner of the page. We respond to questions promptly in the order in which we receive them. Some questions may require a longer turnaround time than is generally the case. We will respond to your question through your case.
- Public document
- Pensions
- Health promotion reimbursement
- Reimbursement of healthcare and medication costs
- Insurance and insurance cards
- Kompetensportalen (Professional Development Portal)
- Long and devoted public service
- Questions regarding the Incident Reporting System
If you have questions concerning your employment or your unit’s procedures for handling staff/HR issues, please refer to your line manager or your unit’s HR officer/manager with staff responsibilities.
- A1 Certificate
- Account coding of union time
- For MBL contact persons, redundancy (Wednesdays)
- For MBL contact persons (Tuesdays)
- HR Finance (only for payroll expense specifications for EU projects – specify personal identity number, name, period)
- Insurance and insurance cards
- International staff (such as recruitment and orientation) Migration issues are to be directed to International Coordinator Erik Kvist; erik [dot] kvist [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (erik[dot]kvist[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)).
- Kompetensportalen (Professional Development Portal) for internal teaching staff and Admin Light
- Kompetensportalen (Professional Development Portal) for managers
- Management and leadership development
- Pension
- Placement and subsidised employment
- Preferential right to re-employment
- Primula for administrators and managers
- Staff stationed abroad (URA)
- The Adato rehabilitation system
For other issues, please turn to your local HR officer or contact person.
You can also search for information on the page A till Z on the HR Pages.
- BESTA coding
- Employment terms
- Extra payroll runs
- Gender equality and equal opportunities
- Payroll administration
- Professional and career development (for training on HR systems, go to the relevant category – for example rehabilitation or recruitment).
- Redundancy process
- Salary levels
- Statistics and follow-up
- The recruitment process
- Transition
- Work environment and rehabilitation
Ask the HR Division a question
Here you can ask certain questions based on your role. Please refer to your manager or nearest HR-officer regarding other matters.