Recruitment at Lund University
Here, managers can find information and support about recruitment processes for technical and administrative staff, as well as research staff, employed in accordance with the Swedish Employment Protection Act (LAS). You will also find a description of the part academic appointments boards play in the recruitment of associate senior lecturers, lecturers and professors.
According to the strategic plan, Lund University should work strategically on recruitment in order to attract and retain engaged and enthusiastic employees. The University should be attractive to international employees and provide clear career paths. The organisation is to be characterised by a positive work environment, gender equality and equal opportunities. Pursuant to the Policy on employment and good and clear career paths for teaching staff and researchers at Lund University, it is also important that the approach to this area is guided by common principles and rules.
Recruitment processes for different employment categories
The recruitment processes described are designed to give practical guidance on the laws and regulations to which Lund University must comply as a public authority. The purpose of describing the processes is to ensure that our recruitment is well-grounded, effective and quality-assured.
Recruiting technical and administrative staff and researchers
Here you will find support for managers recruiting TA staff and some research staff. The process is divided into three steps: initiate, recruit and employ.
Link to Recruiting technical and administrative staff and researchers
Recruiting through an academic appointments board
When you want to recruit an associate senior lecturer, senior lecturer or professor, this should usually be handled by the faculty’s academic appointments board/equivalent. Each faculty has its own procedures to prepare for a recruitment, but there is a basic procedure outlined and described in writing for you as a manager. The process for you as a manager is divided into three steps: prepare, recruit and employ.
Link to Recruiting through an academic appointments board