Specific follow-up dialogue before the salary review
As a manager, you should follow up the performance review by offering employees a specific follow-up dialogue before the salary review.
Content of the page:
As a manager, you assess the skills and performance of your employees and need to provide well-reasoned explanations for your judgement. It is therefore important to make well-founded and objective assessments of your staff's performance and ability to achieve results.
Every assessment you make has a subjective element, but the more you make your judgement in a systematic way, based on the common salary drivers, the easier it will be for the employee to understand your assessment.
Before the follow-up dialogue
Follow up on what was agreed during the appraisal and provide concrete facts about the employee's performance. Find documentation from the previous appraisal with the employee. Have you been clear about what the employee should do to increase their salary?
- What were the objectives in the previous period?
- What agreements were made? Have the objectives and agreements been achieved? If not - why?
- What has worked well? What has worked less well?
- How do the university's overall objectives affect the employee?
- What individual objectives need to be achieved for the coming planning period?
Before the meeting, provide the employee with a list of current issues.
What you and your employee need to have available during the dialogue
- The university's pay policy programme
- Salary influencing factors
- The documentation that you and the employee filled in together during the appraisal, describing the employee's individual objectives. If there are any ambiguities, you should discuss them before the appraisal.
Obtain information on
- salary,
- salary range,
- the requirements of the position itself.
You can find information about statistics in Kuben, the university's tool for follow-up and analysis. You log in to Kuben with your Lucat ID.
Your organisation's HR function can provide additional statistics and comparisons both internally and externally.
During the follow-up dialogue
The purpose of the follow-up interview before the salary review is to discuss the employee's work performance and other relevant factors affecting salary in a dialogue. The dialogue is therefore not a salary negotiation for a new salary.
As a manager, you should aim for the employee to experience the dialogue as objective and constructive, even if they are not satisfied with the assessment as a whole.
The whole salary is what's interesting – not the salary rise
In the appraisal, it is the whole salary that is interesting, not the salary increase. The salary should be based on the salary policy programme, salary policy factors and salary statistics. If the employee does a good job and already has a good salary, it is not self-evident that there should be a high salary increase. No employee is guaranteed a certain increase. As a manager, you value work content and performance.
It is in the daily work that the employee has the greatest opportunity to influence their salary
It is in the daily work that the employee has the greatest opportunity to influence their salary, based on work performance. During the follow-up interview before the salary review, employees have the chance to demonstrate their performance and how they have carried out their tasks.
Read more about salary setting