Registration of documents and confidentiality
Events that may constitute abusive conduct are to be documented and registered. You can open an investigation case in the document registration system, and it can be marked as confidential. Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, however, if someone asks for the documentation as an official document.
If you as a manager with an employer role or an operational manager responsible for education become aware of conduct that could constitute abusive conduct, this must be documented and registered as an abusive conduct case in the document registration system. It is also possible to register the event as an incident; most important is that the case is registered. Everything pertaining to the case is to be saved in accordance with the University’s procedures for records management.
There is a category under the P series in the document registration system called “Kränkande särbehandling/trakasserier” (Victimisation/harassment). Use this category when the case is opened – if the case involves an employee – so that all the notes are correctly filed. At present there is no corresponding category for the STUD series.
You can also open an investigation case if you realise that the case could become extensive with a great deal of material to register or if someone other than you will conduct the investigation. Doing so makes it easy to follow the course of the investigation in the investigation case and management of the events in the abusive conduct case. Link the cases to each other in the document registration system.
If anyone provides information to you orally, the information is to be summarised and documented in the official notes and be registered. All documentation of importance for the investigation and any decisions are to be documented and registered in the document registration system.
It is possible to mark the case as confidential in the document registration system to protect the privacy of the individuals concerned. This means the case cannot be shown to anyone other than the administrators managing the case in the document registration system.
Disclosure of official documents pertaining to abusive conduct
As a public authority, the University is obligated to disclose official documents on request from the general public. Confidentiality marking in the document registration system does not guarantee that the documents can be classified as confidential if someone asks to see the documentation as official documents. Speak to your line manager for more information.
A confidentiality assessment is to be conducted every time documentation is requested as official documents. More information about disclosure of official documents can be found on the Staff Pages; see the link in the right-hand column.
If there is a legal basis for classifying parts of the material as confidential, those parts are to be redacted before disclosing the material. Even if the University decides that the documentation is confidential, it is important to be aware that the decision can be reviewed by a court.
Remember that material containing potentially sensitive personal data may never be sent by email. This type of material must always be printed out on paper and sent by post. Adhere to the ordinance on fees and charge the person making the request when the disclosed documentation exceeds nine pages.
Speak to your closest registrar for more information.
Anyone requesting disclosure of documentation is always to be given the opportunity to read it on site (on paper). If the individual requests copies of the material, implement the provisions found in the ordinance on fees.
Read more about the disclosure of documents on the Staff Pages