Procured work environment services
Occasionally, you might need to enlist an external party for help with some aspect of work environment management. Here you will find guidance on what kinds of work environment consultancy services have been procured by Lund University.
As a manager, you may use the University’s procured consultants for the following services relating to the work environment:
- Fitness to work assessments
- Lighting/visual ergonomics
- Noise/acoustics
- Glasses (computer and protective glasses)
- Work environment risks caused by chemicals
- Indoor climate/ventilation
- Emergency crisis support
- Organisational and social work environment investigations and work environment interventions
- Rehabilitation from substance dependency
- Counselling
- Vibration exposure
You select the supplier based on current needs, the situation and the existing procurement arrangement. The cost for the service is charged to your organisation. Contact your immediate HR officer for advice before ordering.
Information on suppliers and contact details are available in the Lupin purchase tool under the Agreements tab. If you need further information on a specific agreement in Lupin, contact your immediate HR officer.
How to search in LUPIN
- Go to LUPIN and log in with your Lucat-ID.
- Click on tab PURCHASE.
- Choose Working environment and health care.
- Choose the service you would like to order, for example Counselling.
- Details of the agreement and contact details to the selected service provider are provided in the middle section of the page.
- Depending on the type of agreement in place, the service providers may be ranked and you should start from the top. If this is the case, it will be clearly stated in LUPIN.