Occupational Health Service
The Occupational Health Service helps managers with questions related to the work environment, rehabilitation and occupational illness.
The Occupational Health Service works to ensure healthy, well-functioning and pleasant workplaces and is a resource for managers.
We are an integrated occupational health service at Lund University. The Occupational Health Service is to be an independent resource that can provide managers with specialist expertise in occupational medicine, ergonomics for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, and occupational psychology for matters related to the work environment.
The Occupational Health Service is free of charge for University employees and workplaces. The relevant cost centre will cover the costs related to statutory medical check-ups and ergonomic aids, as well as consultations for those who are not University employees. If an appointment is missed for any reason other than acute illness, the relevant cost centre will be charged a fee. Otherwise, cancellations must be made no later than one day before the appointment.
Managers can contact the Occupational Health Service via telephone or email.
Contact information for Occupational Health Service staff
The Occupational Health Service staff work under a duty of confidentiality.
Visiting address
Gerdagatan 9
223 62 LUND
See map
Postal address
Lunds universitet
Box 117
221 00 LUND
Internal mailing code 52
+46 46 222 32 80
Foretagshalsovarden [at] fhv [dot] lu [dot] se (Foretagshalsovarden[at]fhv[dot]lu[dot]se)
Consultations by appointment
Monday-Friday 08:00-15:00
Closed for lunch 12:00-12:30