Annual follow-up of systematic work environment management
Systematic work environment management should be followed up every year in a collaborative manner and across the University as a whole. You will find more information about the annual follow-up on this page.
Contents on this page:
- Annual follow-up at the department/equivalent
- Annual follow-up at the faculty/equivalent
- Annual follow-up at the University as a whole
It is important to make sure that work environment management is organised and complies with legislation and the Work Environment Policy for Lund University.
At Lund University, a follow-up of systematic work environment management is to be conducted:
- annually
- in accordance with methods and procedures established by the University
- in a collaboration between the employer and the health and safety representative(s).
The follow-up of systematic work environment management is conducted with the SUNET Survey tool. Contact your closest work environment coordinator or HR officer for more information about how to conduct a follow-up.
Skickat på översättning, ny sida: Procedures for the annual follow-up of systematic work environment management
The follow-up should be analysed. You could use a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), for example.
A risk assessment template can be downloaded on the right.
The purpose of the annual follow-up is to identify strengths and weaknesses in systematic work environment management, as well as judge which measures should be taken at each organisational level – department, faculty (or equivalent) and the University as a whole.
Annual follow-up at the department/equivalent
As organisational manager of a department, you must conduct the annual systemic work environment management follow-up together with the health and safety representative(s). The faculty work environment coordinator can support you during this process. As part of your duties, you should submit a report of the results of the follow-up to the faculty/equivalent’s local health, safety and environment (HSE) committee.
You must also ensure that any shortcomings in the work environment are rectified. Shortcomings that cannot be addressed immediately should be documented in an action plan. As a manager, you should work continuously with the health and safety representative(s), and after six months at the latest, check that planned measures have been implemented.
Annual follow-up at the faculty/equivalent
Each department’s report on the annual follow-up forms the basis for the faculty/equivalent’s local HSE committee to assess the success of faculty-wide work environment management and identify the need for any measures. The local HSE committee must also check that agreed upon measures have been followed through and the desired results achieved. Each dean/equivalent must ensure that a report outlining the faculty’s work environment management is submitted to the central HSE committee. The faculty/equivalent’s work environment coordinator provides support in this work.
Annual follow-up at the University as a whole
The central HSE committee uses documents such as the faculty reports to propose targets and an action plan for the University’s work environment management. Action plans must be reviewed regularly.
Contact your HR officer or your faculty/equivalent work environment coordinator in the event of questions.
You may also use the HR Division’s case management system to ask questions to the Division about different areas connected to HR encompassed in your role.
A link to the case management system can be found on this page on the right