The process for academic appointments boards
The recruitment process for academic appointments boards lays out the parts of the process common across all faculties. The organisation of the work carried out by an academic appointments board may take different forms depending on the faculty. Common to all, however, are the underlying laws, rules and University guidelines.
The academic appointments board
An academic appointments board may take a different form or work differently depending on the faculty, but shall comprise one chair, at least three academic staff representatives and two student representatives. The board must have at least two substitutes for the academic staff and at least one substitute for the students. The academic appointments board also has a designated HR officer.
The board is quorate when the chair and at least half of the other members are present. A representative of the department concerned may participate in the board’s activities and has the right to attend, speak and make proposals.
The academic appointments board shall ensure that recruitment is carried out in an efficient and correct manner, with the result that the most qualified and skilled applicant is also the one proposed for the position. Recruitment shall be carried out without the influence of irrelevant factors such as gender, gender identity and expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, physical disability, sexual orientation, age or personal relationship.
The academic appointments board and its HR officer shall ensure all relevant laws, regulations, policies and guidelines are followed during all recruitment. The academic appointments board and its HR officer have a particular responsibility to ensure that the person specification, vacancy notice, selection, interview and documentation processes are carried out professionally.
Read more in the Lund University Appointment Rules, which are published in Rules and Regulations
Preparation, needs analysis, conflict of interest and person specification
Here you will find information about the responsibilities of the recruiting manager and the academic appointments board, as well as who makes the decision on recruitment. We briefly review conflict of interest and remind you of redeployment and preferential rights. We also cover timescales and needs analyses.
Link to Preparation, needs analysis, conflict of interest and person specification
Informing about a vacant position
In this section, we cover how to create a vacancy announcement and where it can be published.
Link to Informing about a vacant position
Different methods of selection
We go through different methods of selection. This includes the external expert review, interviews, set tasks and occupational psychology tests.
Link to Different methods of selection
Decision to appoint
Once the process has settled on a final candidate to be proposed, several steps remain before they can start their employment. Here, we cover the conditions for making a decision to appoint, appeals and residence permits.
Link to Decision to appoint