As a manager, you might need to ask an employee to work more than their regular daily hours. Read more about what applies for overtime.
Contents of the page:
- Overtime for duties within and outside the flexitime framework
- Compensation for overtime work
- Overtime supplement
- Compensatory leave
If something happens that makes regular working hours insufficient, you as a manager can request an employee to work beyond their regular daily working hours, i.e. overtime. However, overtime work should be avoided as far as possible and may only be utilised for temporary needs.
Priority should be given to employees who volunteer to work overtime. Exemption from overtime should be authorised if the staff member is unable to work and has valid reasons. Acceptable reasons include, for example, that the staff member is unable to organise childcare. Employees on partial sick leave, partial statutory leave or childcare leave cannot be ordered to work overtime. An employee on partial sick leave may be required by the employer to work overtime for a maximum of 25 hours per calendar year.
When organising overtime, the overtime should be distributed among several employees for health and safety reasons.
The amount of overtime an employee may work is regulated by law and by contract. If you as a manager consider that there are special reasons for it, you can request an employee to work overtime for a maximum of 48 hours in a four-week period or 50 hours in a calendar month, but not more than 150 hours in a calendar year. The Working Time Act may authorise additional overtime, so always contact your human resources department for advice.
Overtime must be ordered in advance. In exceptional cases, overtime can also be authorised retrospectively. However, this requires that you and the staff member have agreed to handle the overtime issue in this way.
Overtime for service within and outside the flex framework
For employees covered by Lund University's flexitime agreement, overtime can arise both when working within and outside the flexitime framework:
- Overtime when working within the flexitime framework - if an employee, in accordance with a decision by management, works more than the standard time measure during a working day, this time is overtime. The standard time measure is 8 hours for each non-holiday Monday to Friday. For certain days in conjunction with weekends, the standard hours are shorter. For part-time employees, overtime does not arise until the total working time within the flexitime framework exceeds the standard time measure for a full-time employee. The provisions on overtime in Chapter 4. 8-11 §§ in the conditional agreements do not apply.
- Overtime when working outside the flexitime framework – if an employee is required by management to work outside the flexitime framework, the time spent on duty is overtime. The flexitime period is between 07:00 and 19:00.
Compensation for overtime work
An employee who has worked overtime by decision of the employer is entitled to compensation.
Compensation for overtime work is given in the form of money (overtime supplement) or leave (compensatory leave).
Compensatory leave should be given provided that the employee wishes to take it and that the employer deems it possible given the demands of the organisation.
Overtime supplement
Overtime supplement is paid for qualified or simple overtime depending on when the overtime is worked.
Qualified overtime refers to overtime work at the following times:
- between 19.00 on Friday and 07.00 on Monday,
- between 7 p.m. on the day before Epiphany, Christmas Day, May Day, Ascension Day or National Day and 7 a.m. on the following weekday,
- between 19.00 on Maundy Thursday and 07.00 on the day after Easter Monday,
- between 19.00 on the day before Midsummer's Eve, Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve and 07.00 on the weekday immediately following the holiday eve.
- otherwise between 22.00 and 06.00.
Overtime premiums are paid per hour as follows:
Qualified overtime: the individual monthly salary divided by 72.
Other time is simple overtime.
The overtime allowance for simple overtime is paid per hour as follows:
Simple overtime: the individual monthly salary divided by 94.
Overtime premium is not paid for less than 15 consecutive minutes.
Compensatory leave
Compensatory leave per hour of overtime:
- for simple overtime, one and a half times the duration of the overtime work.
- for qualified overtime, twice the duration of the overtime work.
Compensatory leave must be taken no later than the calendar month following that in which the overtime work was completed, unless the manager and employee agree otherwise.
If compensation in the form of compensatory leave is agreed, the time must be registered on the flexitime form or according to the procedure for registering working time at the workplace.
In the first instance, contact your nearest HR function.
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