Overtime and additional hours for teaching staff
Additional time or overtime should not normally occur for teachers, but may occur in exceptional cases.
Content of the page:
- As a general rule, all tasks must be carried out within the annual working time.
- Some categories of teachers may not work overtime
- Professors are not entitled to overtime pay
As a general rule, all tasks must fit within the annual working time.
The main rule is that a teacher's tasks should be planned so that all tasks can be accommodated within the annual working time. Normally, teachers should not work more than their annual working hours. A manager with an employer role may order or retrospectively authorise working time beyond the annual working hours if there is a particular need to carry out unplanned tasks. In such cases, the procedure below must be followed.
In order for working time to be counted as additional time or overtime, it must always be ordered or approved afterwards by the head of department or equivalent and be in addition to the annual working hours according to the Terms and Conditions Agreement.
1 A redistribution of work tasks shall be made.
A redistribution of the remaining part of the annual working time shall be made if a teacher performs ordered or retrospectively approved unplanned tasks in addition to the planning of the staff plan. The working time remaining for the rest of the calendar year should be reduced by the time spent by the teacher on unplanned tasks. This may mean that previously planned tasks need to be cancelled or moved to another year.
Redeployment should be carried out as soon as there is a need to carry out unscheduled tasks. At the very latest, the reallocation should be reconciled at the end of the spring term for possible action for the autumn term.
2 If it is not possible to reallocate working time, additional or overtime will arise.
Overtime is normally settled once per calendar year in connection with the annual accounts. Compensation for overtime is given in the form of leave (compensatory leave) within the following calendar year at the latest, or in the form of money (overtime supplement). If compensatory leave is to be taken in the following calendar year, the annual working time must be reduced by the corresponding number of hours in the staff plan for that calendar year and be included in the dialogue when that staff plan is drawn up.
Note that there are limits to the amount of additional time and overtime that can be requested by the teacher. The head of department has the right to request additional time with a maximum of 175 clock hours or overtime with a maximum of 150 clock hours per calendar year, but the total additional time and overtime for a calendar year may not exceed 200 hours.
Teachers on partial sick leave, partial statutory leave or childcare leave are not required to work additional hours or overtime. Teachers who are on partial pension leave are obliged to work a maximum of 25 hours of additional time and a maximum of 25 hours of overtime per calendar year.
Read more about local collective agreements on working time for teachers via the link in the right-hand column.
Certain categories of teachers cannot work overtime
Doctoral students, lecturers and clinical assistants cannot be ordered to work overtime.
Professors are not entitled to overtime pay
Under Lund University's local professors' agreement, professors are not covered by the provisions on inconvenience allowance, overtime allowance or compensation for overtime work and are not entitled to compensation for overtime work.
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