Flexitime agreements for technical and administrative staff
Most T/A staff have flexible working hours, also known as flexitime. The employee is obliged to register their flexitime and you as a manager are responsible for reconciling the working time.
Contents of the page:
- Flexitime framework
- Length of regular working time
- Concentrated service
- Registration and reconciliation of working time
- Flexible leave
- Fixed duty schedule
At Lund University, there is a local collective agreement on flexible and fixed working hours. Most T/A staff have flexible working hours, but there are organisations where all employees have fixed working hours. In addition, there is the possibility for an individual employee who prefers to work according to a fixed duty schedule instead of having flexible hours.
The flexitime agreement gives employees the opportunity to decide on the organisation of their working time within given time frames. Flexitime presupposes the adaptation of duties to the requirements of the work. The employee is obliged to register their flexitime and you as a manager are responsible for reconciling the flexitime report.
Flexitime frameworks
The flexitime agreement allows employees to work flexitime between 07-09 and 15-19 (including lunchtime flexitime between 11:30 and 13:30) from Monday to Friday, with some exceptions for public holiday evenings. The employee must therefore be present from 09:00 to 15:00.
Employees may not schedule their working hours on days that are non-working days such as
- Saturday or Sunday
- Midsummer's Eve
- Christmas Eve
- New Year's Eve
- non-working Mondays and Fridays between two non-working days.
Length of normal working hours
The standard full-time working time measure is 8 hours for each non-working Monday to Friday. For certain days in connection with weekends, the standard time measure is two or four hours shorter in application of the conditional agreements. For a part-time worker, the standard hours must be proportionate to the relationship between part-time and full-time employment. However, the standard hours for shortened working days can only be reduced if working hours are scheduled on that day.
For a part-time employee, the employer determines, after consultation with the employee, what time is considered as
- fixed time
- flexitime
- flexitime
- where appropriate, lunchtime flexitime.
If you do not agree, the manager determines the times after consultation with the employee's employee organisation (trade union organisation). If working time is not spread evenly over every Monday-Friday, i.e. over fewer than 5 calendar days per week, this is called fixed part-time working hours.
Concentrated service
Concentrated duty means that an employee works less than 5 days on average per week.
Some examples of concentrated service:
- Anna works 60 per cent of full-time on 3 days a week.
- Kurt is on partial pension and works 80 per cent of full-time on 4 days a week.
- Martin is on 25 per cent parental leave and works 4 days a week.
- Åsa is on 50 per cent sick leave and works full-time every other week as recommended by her doctor.
In order for salary and compensation to be correct in the case of concentrated service, it is important that there is an updated schedule in Primula that shows which days the employee works and which days the employee is off. Then correct calculations are made automatically when the employee has vacation, takes care of children and so on.
When you and the employee have agreed on which day(s) the employee will work and be off, you as a manager or the nearest personnel function must notify them of the employee's schedule via the State Service Center's (SSC) customer portal. SSC then enters this in a schedule that the employee can see under "My pages" in Primula. If you agree to change the employee's working hours or if the employee stops working concentrated duty, the employee himself reports this to SSC via their customer portal.
The same rules apply to flextime registration and reconciliation of working hours for those on concentrated duty as for those on duty every weekday.
You can find more information on how the employee should fill in their flexitime report on the page below:
Registration of fixed part-time working hours (Staff pages)
Registration and reconciliation of working time
Employees who have flexitime must register their working time on a flexitime form or if another system is in place at the workplace. At the end of each calendar month, the manager must reconcile the working hours that the employees have worked during the month as regular working hours. This working time at the end of the calendar month may exceed or fall short of the standard time measure applicable to the month.
If the reconciliation shows that the standard time measure for the calendar month has been exceeded (plus time) or undercut (minus time), the plus time or minus time is carried over to the next calendar month.
If the minus time at the end of the month exceeds 20 hours, you should inform the employee that the minus time must not exceed 20 hours at the next reconciliation point. If an employee repeatedly has a shortfall that exceeds 20 hours, you can decide that the employee should no longer have flexible working hours.
For the reconciliation you carry out after the end of June and December, consider the following in relation to overtime:
If, at the time of the reconciliation, the excess time exceeds 30 hours, 30 hours are normally carried over to the next period and the excess time is cancelled.
If there are special reasons, the employer may authorise the carrying forward of overtime in excess of 30 hours to the next calendar month.
When an employee is to terminate their employment, it is important to jointly plan any extra time as flexi-leave and to jointly review how any negative balance can be adjusted to 0.
Flexible leave
If it works from an operational point of view, you as a manager can grant an employee leave for a full working day in return for any extra time being reduced by time corresponding to the standard time measure for that day. This is registered on the flexitime report.
Fixed duty schedule
Under certain conditions, a fixed duty schedule can be decided. Employees who wish to work according to a fixed schedule must notify their manager in writing.
In the first instance, contact your nearest HR function.
You may also use the HR Division’s case management system to ask questions about different areas connected to HR encompassed in your role: