Fixed-term appointment
Fixed-term appointments may be appropriate for both teaching staff and technical and administrative staff. Here, managers can read more about the various forms of fixed-term appointment, and the accompanying regulations.
Special fixed-term employment (SÄVA) – new basis for fixed-term employment in section 5 of LAS
Brief summary of the main changes to the Employment Protection Act (LAS)
If an employment relationship is to be limited in time, this must be decided at the time of employment, otherwise the employment relationship is considered to be a permanent employment relationship. In case of disagreement about the form of employment, the burden of proof lies with the person who claims that the employment is fixed-term.
The most common form of fixed-term employment is what is known as long-term employment, i.e. employment for an indefinite period up to a certain point in time. In this case, the same notice periods apply as for permanent employment if the employee or you as a manager want to terminate the employment prematurely.
Recruitment for a fixed-term contract must be done with the same care as for other recruitment and with a decision prior to employment. Fixed-term employment must also normally be advertised/informed about and preferential rights to re-employment and a higher degree of employment must be taken into account.
- Read about the recruitment of TA staff
- Read more about preferential rights to re-employment.
Grounds for fixed-term contracts
There may be times when you need to hire someone for a limited period of time. In order to limit the duration of an employment contract, there must be a basis in law, regulation or collective agreement.
Read more about grounds for fixed-term contracts
Fixed-term merit and educational appointments as well as adjuncts, visiting professors and retired professors
In addition to the time-limit criteria in the Employment Protection Act, there are also specific time-limit criteria for teaching and training positions.
In the first instance, contact your nearest HR function.
You may also use the HR Division’s case management system to ask questions about different areas connected to HR encompassed in your role:
Overview of fixed-term employment
Contact your nearest HR function for an overview of fixed-term employment.