Adjuncts, visiting professors and retired professors' activities
Temporary employment as adjunct teachers/professors and visiting professors is regulated in the Higher Education Ordinance and in collective agreements. The activities of retired professors are regulated in a special regulation. As a manager, you can read more about what applies here.
Contents on this page:
- Purpose
- Adjunct teachers – senior lecturer and assistant professor
- Adjunct professor
- Visiting professors
- Retired professors' activities (emeriti)
- Transitional provisions for senior professors
The purpose of a fixed-term appointment as an adjunct teacher/professor and visiting professor is mainly to provide special expertise of value to the organisation.
In addition to these time limitations, which are regulated by law, employment as a professor must be permanent.
Adjunct teachers – senior lecturer and assistant professor
An adjunct senior lecturer or lecturer must have their main occupation (employment or own company) outside the higher education sector. The purpose of an adjunct position is to provide expertise that is not normally available in the regular activities and that is necessary for a high quality education.
Employed for teaching but can contribute to research
Adjunct senior lecturers and adjunct assistant professors are employed for teaching, but can contribute to research if this in turn leads to the improvement of the adjunct teacher's teaching.
Permanent – but no longer than two years
An adjunct senior lecturer or senior lecturer shall be employed until further notice, but for a maximum of two years. The employment may be renewed. This is regulated in the collective agreement on fixed-term employment of adjunct teachers. The agreement does not apply if you can instead use Chapter 4, Section 10, paragraph 3 of the Higher Education Ordinance, teachers in artistic activities.
Download the collective agreement on fixed-term employment as an adjunct teacher under Related information in the right-hand column.
Those who fulfil the eligibility requirements for senior lecturer according to Lund University's employment regulations are eligible for employment as an adjunct senior lecturer in other than artistic activities.
To be eligible for employment as an adjunct senior lecturer in a field other than artistic activities, you must fulfil the entry requirements for senior lecturer in accordance with Lund University's employment regulations.
Read more about eligibility requirements and assessment criteria in Lund University's employment regulations, which can be downloaded in the right-hand column on this page.
Agreement on distribution of working hours and payment of salary
The prerequisite for an adjunct is that the teacher has another main employment outside the higher education sector. In some cases, an agreement is made with the adjunct's main employer on the distribution of working hours and how the salary is to be paid. In this case, an agreement needs to be written for clarification.
Contract templates can be downloaded on the page Forms and templates.
Adjunct professor
Normally, a professor should always be employed until further notice, but in Chapter 4, Section 11 of the Higher Education Ordinance, it is possible to employ an adjunct professor for a fixed period. The appointment may be renewed, but the total period of employment may not exceed 12 years.
An adjunct professor must have their main activity outside the university and higher education sector.
The purpose of an adjunct position is to provide expertise that is not normally available in the regular organisation. The person must fulfil the eligibility requirements for employment as a professor. Deviations from the entry requirements may be made if the person has a unique competence of particular importance for the activity in question or to strengthen the activity's connection to the surrounding society.
Read more about entry requirements and assessment criteria in Lund University's employment regulations, which can be downloaded in the right-hand column on this page.
Agreement in certain cases
In some cases, an agreement is made with the adjunct professor's main employer on the distribution of working hours, work environment responsibilities, right to results and how the salary is to be paid. In this case, an agreement needs to be written for clarification.
An agreement template can be downloaded from the page Forms and templates.
Visiting professors
A professor must be employed until further notice without a time limit.
However, certain exceptions are permitted by Chapter 3, Section 3 of the Higher Education Act. One of these is the possibility of employing a visiting professor for a fixed period according to Chapter 4, Section 12 of the Higher Education Ordinance. The appointment may be renewed, but the total period of employment as a visiting professor may not exceed five years.
The visiting professor must have special expertise of value to the activity in question. The person must fulfil the eligibility requirements for employment as a professor at the time of application.
Read more about entry requirements and assessment criteria in Lund University's employment regulations, which can be downloaded in the right-hand column on this page.
Retired professors' activities (emeriti)
Lund University is in favour of retired professors being able to continue their activities. All professors who leave their permanent employment due to retirement age are entitled to use the title professor emerita/emeritus.
The Vice-Chancellor has adopted regulations on the activities of retired professors. There is also a template to clarify the conditions for continued activity.
Read Lund University's regulations on the activities of retired professors 2020, which can be downloaded in the right-hand column of this page.
A template for an agreement between Lund University and a retired professor can be downloaded on the page Forms and templates.
Through Kammarkollegiet, Lund University has taken out a collective insurance, Special Personal Injury Protection (SPS), for persons who, without being employees, are visitors or participate in activities at Lund University and who have a Swedish personal identity number.
Read more about special personal injury insurance for retired professors (SPS) at Kammarkollegiet, via the link in the right-hand column on this page.
Transitional provisions for senior professors
An ongoing employment as a senior professor can be extended under certain conditions.
Read the Lund University regulations on retired professors' activities 2020, which can be downloaded in the right-hand column of this page.
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